About Forus
Latest News
WELCOME, Karen Winkworth
FORUS Therapeutics is thrilled to welcome Karen Winkworth as Therapeutic Area Manager, Hematology/Oncology, GTA. Karen brings with her a proven track record of delivering superior value across therapeutic areas - including over 15 years in hematology and oncology....
WELCOME, Chris Mitton
FORUS Therapeutics is delighted to welcome Chris Mitton as Therapeutic Area Manager, Hematology/Oncology, Atlantic Canada. Chris joins FORUS with over 30 years experience as a pharmaceutical professional with extensive expertise across various therapeutic areas,...
INESSS Recommendation to Deny Reimbursement for Multiple Myeloma Treatment is a Global Outlier
In a remarkable decision posted earlier this month, INESSS stands alone in failing to recognize the therapeutic value of XPOVIO. This despite Health Canada approval, a positive CADTH decision, Quebec clinician and patient support and positive funding recommendations...
Contact Us
Mailing Address:
FORUS Therapeutics Inc.
200 North Service Road West, Suite 129
Oakville, Ontario, L6M 2Y1
Phone: 1-877-359-9595
Fax: 1-877-359-9590
Patient Support:
Phone: 1-833-4YOUPSP (1-833-496-8777)
Fax: 1-833-4YOUFAX (1-833-496-8329)
Product Support:
Phone: 1-866-542-7500
Fax: 1-866-542-1100
Do not use this form to report adverse events. Adverse events can be reported at 1-866-542-7500.